Tuesday, February 15, 2011

BET's Logo Design

How do you go from:
Which is the typeface "GoodTimes Regular" used to make BET's iconic logo. To the finished logo:

Well as a Graphic Design I can look at a logo like this one and see the blueprint of how it is done. The process of logo design can be very simple but also very complex. First you have to pick a typeface, this is often the hardest part. You don't want to use something everyone is using already because you want your logo to have longevity, so you shop for one that is not often used. The two images above is the typeface 'Good Times RG' which is not seen often used anywhere. So it would be great for a logo.

The next step would be alter the typeface so that the average person could not recreate what you've done. If they could, there would be no need for you the designer. So you might change the way the letter appear to give the illusion that what you used is apparent, but in reality, you've used something totally different. This part of the process is called 'Insight', you would use your own personal insight to create a masterpiece.

The final step is to add an extra piece or object to your logo that might not necessarily be from the same typeface as the rest, and it can even be an object. But make sure this piece is cohesive with the rest of your logo and matches the theme of your design.

That is how the creators of the BET logo went from the first above image to the second above image. In a later post I can show you exactly how they did it.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

So I just created this artwork for a new shirt design and I need a little feedback. So please leave a comment and tell me what you think of it. This will most likely be printed on a V-neck fitted t-shirt, and I'm thinking on a white shirt.
I know as technology moves forward, Design opportunities will also. I am always looking for that next opportunity to design and when twitter became relevant I just had to make my own background. Check it out here: www.twitter.com/ChuckUpDaDeuce and follow me!!

One of my secondary passions other than Graphic Design is Photography. I came across this street sculptor one morning on my way to work and had to capture a certain point of view that I was feeling best described it. Now you might ask: why take a picture of something like this? Well, Why Not!

One Broke College Student

One thing throughout my college experience I have learned that all college students can relate to is the reality that now in your life you have to pay for things and stop relying on your parents. Well from this realization I've created the "One Broke College Student" Brand that relates to us all and wants to be everywhere college students are located. You can purchase the T-shirt at www.onebrokecollegestudent.com where you can join in on this realization and start taking steps to a better your college expenses.